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47. Cultural Food while in that Culture 

Squeamish look away! Faint of heart - DO NOT LOOK! For the Love of all that is cute and cuddly - this might turn your stomach. 

June 4, 2010

So while I was in Ecuador - almost everything we ate was naturally cultural - but this was a little more eccentric than say.... plantains (never learned to fully appreciate those things...).  Oh no. On this special occasion - we were given the joyous opportunity to try their famous dish; Quwi....or cuy...however you wanna spell it. Either way, for all you non- Spanish speakers - that's guinea pig.  After we all got over the fact that we were eating Fluffy - it wasn't bad. Tasted like chicken! ​

A little FYI: If you can't tell from the picture, they serve it in halves. 

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