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116. Loonnngg Road Trip                with Friends

Now I've been many, many places via a automobile trip.  However, I would say I've only been on 3 different road trip with only friends, crossing at least 2 states lines.  

Trip 1) Aug. 7-14 2011

My friend Tess and I went to Cali BABY!!! She spent the summer with her sister near San Fran.  So after LDAC (a miserable place) I flew out there.  Spent 2 or 3 days in San Fran.  Drove to Vegas.  Partied it up for 2 or 3 days in Vegas.  Last stop in Colorado - stayed with my Aunt's family for a day. It was amazing, but not long enough, need to go again.  

Trip 2)  March 3-10 2012 

FLORIDA!! Spring break.  Went to stay with a friend's friend in Orlando.  We went to the beach. Awesomely cheap flea market thing. Got a tattoo.  Went to a small amusement park AND Disney World.  It was fun!

Trip 3) Nov. 7-11 2012

FLORIDA....take 2 (even though it's technically 3) - Destin style!  While at BOLC in SC, a few friends and I went to see a friend of mine who lives down in the area for Vet's day weekend.  Clubbed it up, went to an awesome Irish pub, and had a great time at the beach (even if it was a little cold)

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