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191. Experience Homelessness

Summer 2014


Now before you freak out, it not like I was a street urchin or anything.  This was last summer while I was working as a guide out west in the Greater Yellowstone Teton area.  My company OARS thought they would be able to provide housing for us while we were out there for the summer, sadly it fell through and the Jackson Hole area didn't have ANY housing.  I didn't know about this situation until I got there.  Needless to say it was a bit of a surprise.  


So while I was working, we camped under the stars, and while I wasn't working I camped under the stars.  That was the beautiful thing about being homeless in Wyoming.  They have government owned land called Bureau of Land Management Land.  Actually the picture to the left is BLM land, this is Mosquito Creek.  Anyone could stay on this land at the campsites for free for up to a week. Truely a beautiful thing.   


(Life wasn't always under the stars however, when I worked the next day, or was too lazy, I'd stay at our warehouse). 

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