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195. Play Fly on the Wall (Duct Tape People to Walls)

July 1st, 2012


As a recent college graduate of only 2 months at the time - I was blissfully unemployed and trying to put my time to good use elsewhere.  So I volunteered at the church with the youth.  Naturally.  Being during the summer, most people are gone, so with such small numbers, I was given free reign over game time with the middle schoolers!! What a great opporunity to cross something off my bucket list (always on the hunt for a good opportunity hahaha)!! I mean...err....what a great opportunity to serve the youth of Tomah! 


I got...oh I don't even remember anymore...probably a good dozen rolls of duct tape (a colorful assortment naturally), 2 willing youth group leaders, and about a dozen 6th-8th graders.  From there the kids went to town!  They made SURE those leaders STAYED ON THE WALL!! Where they belonged dangit!! 


It was made into a contest - and clearly I have no recollection of who won or how, but I remember we all had a blast doing it!! 


*Note: pictures of the event to come...hopefully. 

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