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201. Geocache

Sept 27, 2015


I needed to do something that weekend. I felt plagued by the mundane, which in reality doesn't take long to feel weighted down by the everyday.  But I think I had about 3 weeks of plans all fall through before that weekend so I definitely needed to get out.  


It started off as a quintessential day! Weather was perfect.  I finally figured out how to geocache (it requires the app!). We parked, and I believe it was Morgan who had the brilliant idea to rent city-share bikes.  We started with easy ones.  First one was a magnatized old thumb drive, another was hidden in an what once was a public phone, and our third a duct tape canister on a college campus.  Aside from slight stress over trying to get the bikes returned before the alotted half hour, it was storybook whimsical and fun.  


Then we went to search for a 4th, and our perfect day took a sour turn.  First the bike rack wouldn't let us take 3 bikes again....cursed contraption. Then the 4th cache was IMPOSSIBLE to find.....we're not even sure if it's still there after reading posts on it.  After not finding the 4th and being rejected from the bike rack, we gave up and headed for home.  


We had almost made it back to the car when Morgan realized she left her keys back in the bike we had left at the last rack.  Sh*t Sh*t Sh*t Sh*t.............she's our ride back! We could be stranded in the city! Her spare keys are in her apartment, which is locked.  She'd have to get the landlord to give her a brand new key late at night to get her spare car keys.   Oy! So Ryan being uber gallant, ran back to try to find the keys.  But he took one way to the bikes, and Morgan and I took another. Ryan's phone being dead - we lost each other.  Ryan might have freaked out after looking for us for close to 20 minutes.  Stress factors were through the roof!!


Morgan was going through every scenario in her head, I quickly reminded her to pray about it (probably my only good suggestion of the night).  She ended up calling her dad to take us all home and so she could eventually get her spare.  However, Ryan had the brilliant idea to call Indy Bikes about the situation.  LOW AND BEHOLD - SOMEONE TURNED THE KEYS IN!!!!! At that point, it was late, Morgan's dad had already come to meet us and we were exhausted from walking all over kingdom come.  But on top of it all the nice guy from the bike place actually came to personally give Morgan her keys!! 


Even our bad nights always turn out for the better.  All the glory to God!! He truely answers prayers.  :)

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