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241. Attend a Symphony

April 9th, 2016

Our 1st anniversary together and we celebrated in style. 

I was out in the D.C area for school (public affairs course through the military) and this hunk of a man came out to visit me allllll the way from Whocares, Indiana.  That day was incredible - we toured DC (in the cold and wind and rain) and then Ryan took me to what is probably the fanciest restaurant I've ever been to: a French place called Bistro Bis.  I had the best steak of my life and felt like I was in the movie Ratatouille.  Highly recommend if you're in the area. 

We then ventured to the John F. Kennedy Center for Performing Arts to see the National Symphony Orchestra.  They played two pieces; a piano piece accompanied with strings and a full orchestra piece with percussion and without piano. 

In today's world it was hard to give my full attention to the music without my mind wandering, but as former clarinetist all throughout school (nine years) it was wonderful hearing a professional orchestra play live for my very first time. Music speaks to the soul.


 I believe everyone should learn to appreciate classical and symphonic music.  It has unparalleled beauty. 

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